Rise Above

In spite of those who bring you down, raise your head twice as high and prove that you are smart and amazing and beautiful, just by being YOU.


There are so many times in my life that I’ve been told I can’t do anything. And I’m not talking about my parents telling me not to put my hand on a hot stove to prevent burns and a possible trip to the Emergency Room. I’m talking about certain people who have told me that due to my (insert whatever seems wrong with me here) I will never go to college, university, or get a job. I’ve also been told I will never amount to anything due to the fact that I’m ‘slow’ or ‘not all there’. But that just isn’t true. I can do anything I set my mind to. I can leap over my hurdles, not in spite of others who’ve done me wrong, or for the betterment of myself alone–I do it for the advocacy others. 

For Those Who Brought Me Down:

I want to thank whomever said anything belittling or oppressive to me, you’ve been a great elevator in my self-esteem…Please, do stand up, I applaud you!

While I believe that curtain constructive criticism is good for motivation, calling someone names and labels as a means to be hurtful is very wrong. I do amount to something and I can do things without severe limitation.

A Note to My Dear Friends:

Strive for greatness, rise above, and prove yourself.

Just because you have a difference doesn’t mean you can’t do anything. In spite of those who bring you down, raise your head twice as high and prove that you are smart and amazing and beautiful, just by being YOU. Take whatever negativity is thrown at you and please turn it into optimism, strength, or motivation to fuel your drive and to do something amazing for yourself and others.

God gave you special gifts, so why not use them!

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