Rest Easy (Part One): Girl, Interrupted

I’m just gonna say it: You need to lock yourself up in your room sometimes just to get away. It’s okay if you do. I do it, and I’m not crazy!


Hi New You,

This is the beginning of the New Year and you’re getting back into old routine. I get it, you are super busy and it’s hard to focus on one task let alone three or four, you have obligations and what-not piling up and suffocating your existence. Trust me, I get it. Life-junk as I like to call it can be rather annoying. If you don’t know what it is, Life-junk is all the unnecessary jargon in your daily routine that can influence an interruption or deeply and irrationally effect your mood. I’m not talking about crying over spilled milk, but I am talking about the little things that can cause a small upset like being late for work or school–because who doesn’t hate tardiness?

Sometimes you need a break from being social. After all those dinner parties and roasting chestnuts on an open flame, chatting can get pretty exhausting. I’m just gonna say it: You need to lock yourself up in your room sometimes just to get away. It’s okay if you do. I do it, and I’m not crazy! *laughs*

I’m not telling you to become a hermit, but if you are feeling overwhelmed, take a cat nap and relax. De-stress and maybe catch a movie, read a book, or pray. It is pretty simple. Then, once you feel like you can stand to hear or see anyone again, brush your teeth do yourself (and others) a favour and shower and start to talk to members of the household, then branch off from there.

Sometimes, it’s okay to not be a constant social butterfly. We all need a break sometimes. So focus on the big picture and not the little minute details. Take the challenge to de-stress at least once a day for 15 minutes. And just be proud that you haven’t blown up over spilled milk yet. Haha!


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